Minova Life Science

Minova life sciences - Pharmaceutical company

Breostar-Nac Tablets

COMPOSITION – Each film coated tablet contains : Acebrophylline BP 100mg +N-Acetylcysteine  BP 600mg



An airway mucus regulator with anti-inflammatory action. Numerous trials in adults and children confirm the excellent safety profile this compound.

• Reduces the frequency of episodes of bronchial obstruction and reduces the need for beta2-agonists, and improves indexes of ventilatory function.

Acebrophylline also limits the frequency of relapses of infection in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD).


N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an acetylated form of the amino acid L-cysteine and a precursor of glutathione (GSH) is a powerful antioxidant and a scavenger of hydroxyl radicals.

Prevents and eradicates the biofilms resulting from Cistic Fibrosis airway infections, in particular that of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Generally safe NAC, reduces the viscosity of sputum in both cystic fibrosis and COPD, facilitating the removal of pulmonary secretions

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