Minova Life Science

Minofresh Tooth Paste

COMPOSITION – Potassium Nitrate 5%w/w + Sodium Monofluorophosphate 0.7%w/w +Triclosan 0.3%w/w

Potassium Nitrate (Inorganic salt)

  • 5% KNO3 significantly reduced dentinal hypersensitivity to both tactile and air blast stimuli as well as subjective response.
  • Most efficient in reducing thermal & osmotic (sweet or sour) sensitivities.

Sodium monofluorophosphate (Inorganic salt)

  • Sodium monofluorophosphate has been demonstrated in a series of clinical studies involving reversible caries lesions in adults, as well as in children.

Triclosan (Antimicrobial agent)

  • Has an inhibitory effect on the dental plaque-induced demineralization of the dental hard tissues.

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