Minova Life Science


Riddance from cold and cough


COMPOSITION: Phenylephrine Hydrochloride & Chlorpheniramine Maleate Syrup IP

  • Potently controls signs and symptoms of allergies
  • Highly effective and helpful as a decongestant in acute nasal congestion associated with common cold
  • Recognized as safe and effective
  • Helpful in relieving fever as well as headache and body ache associated with fever.
  • The combination of anti-histamine, decongestant and analgesic has benefit for the treatment of common cold in children.


  • Cold and cough
  • Influenza
  • Nasal allergies


Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Drug Class: Antihistamine
It competitively binds to H1 receptors in the nasal mucosa, preventing histamine-induced vasoactive responses and demonstrating anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Drug class: Nasal decongestant
It is a selective adrenergic receptor agonist, functions as an effective nasal decongestant.

In pediatric patients, the combination of Chlorpheniramine Maleate and Phenylephrinesafely and effectively treats Allergic Rhinitis.

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