Minova Life Science

Minova life sciences - Pharmaceutical company

Paplate Syrup / Paplate Tablets


PAPALATE TABLET- Carica Papaya Leaf Extract 1100mg

PAPLATE SYRUP – Carica Papaya Leaf extract 375mg + Tinospora Cardifoliaextract 125mg


Tinospora Cardifolia + Carica Papaya

Tinospora Cardifolia

  • Prevents dengue fever by increasing platelets and lower down the body temperature
  • Bolsters host defense with proven efficacy in immune- compromised conditions.

Carica Papaya

  • Accelerates the rate of increase in platelets count among patients with dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever
  • Effective in dengue patients by elevating the platelets counts, white platelets counts and recovery without hospital admission

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