Minova Life Science

Feritale Tablets

Perfect Nourishment for the Expecting Mother


COMPOSITION – Sodium Feredetate 231 mg (Eq. To 33 mg of elemental iron) + Folic Acid 1.5 mg + Vitamin B12 15 mcg

  • Useful in improving haemoglobin for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women
  • Prescribes for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, rheumatoid- arthritis associated anemia and dysmenorrhoea in adults.
  • Effective for premature babies and in patients undergoing dialysis
  • Combination of sodium feredetate /folic acid/ vit.B, prevents major birth defects of baby’s brain or spine in pregnant women.
  • Combination of sodium feredetate /folic acid/ vit.B, is effective in improving hemoglobin profile in pregnant anemic women.


  • Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Severe Blood Loss during surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Malabsorption

Feritale Tablets


Sodium Feredetate

  • Elevates serum iron concentration and hence hemoglobin levels more than ferrous sulfate due to better bioavailability.

Folic acid

  • Essential for the production of RBC and normal metabolism
  • Prevents birth defects such as neural tube defects and cleft palate in pregnancy.

Vitamin B12

  • Most important for proper digestion of food, absorption of other nutrients & functioning of entire nervous system.

Zinc sulphate

  • Essential for maintaining healthy body tissues.


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